Datas, Horarios e Sesións
Data Inicio
Data Peche
Tipos Formación
Datas e horarios
Número Webinars
Enlace ao curso
Necesidades, prerrequisitos e inf. xeral
Necesidades a cubrir
Medios necesarios
Datos persoal Formador e Titor
Persoal formador
Empresa contratada
Microsoft Outlook is an email management software developed by Microsoft, available as part of the Microsoft Office suite. It can be used to send and receive e-mail messages, manage your calendar, store contact names and numbers, and keep track of your tasks, among others.
Throughout the course a complete overview of Microsoft Outlook will be presented and how this tool can be used to improve collaboration and productivity in the administrative environment.
Competencias a desenvolver
The aim of the training is to show students the different options and configurations that can be applied in the Outlook e-mail manager. This allows them to have all their mail automatically organised and to have greater control of their agenda. In addition, to be able to control the pending tasks and always have the contacts saved and organised.
A 9-hour course in which theoretical concepts will be interspersed with practical sessions that will help participants to consolidate their knowledge.
The course will be taught live online with the teacher, through the Zoom tool, and will consist of 3 sessions lasting 3 hours, distributed as follows:
- 1st session: Monday, March 10th from 9:15 to 12:15
- 2nd session: Monday, March 17th from 9:15 to 12:15
- 3rd session: Monday, March 31st from 9:15 to 12:15
Working environment:
- Mailbox
- Folders panel
- Favourites
- Taskbar
- Reading Pane
- Setting up the FROM and BCC.
- Sending and receiving configuration.
- Delayed sending.
- Organisation of mails in folders.
- Management of multiple email accounts.
- Creation and configuration of automatic rules.
- Configuration of Quick Steps.
- Configuration of automatic response.
- Configuration of e-mail templates.
- Mail blocking.
- Organisation by categories.
- Creation and management of email templates.
- Performing a search.
- Configuring the scope of the search.
- Adding parameters to the search.
- Creating search folders.
- Configuration of search folders.
- Configuration of the agenda.
- Scheduling of appointments and notices.
- Scheduling meetings.
- Agenda sharing.
- Configuration of multiple agendas.
- Creation and modification of contacts.
- Organisation of contacts by category.
- Creation of lists of contacts.
- Importing and exporting contacts.
- Task configuration.
- Assigning tasks.
- Task tracking.
- Task control.
Export / Import:
- Export of Mailbox to PST.
- Export of contacts.
- Import from PST to Mailbox.
- Import of contacts.
Share mailbox folders:
- Folder sharing.
- Folder permissions.