Consorcio Interuniversitario de Galicia

Consorcio para o desenvolvemento de aplicacións de xestión universitaria de Galicia

2025, UDC, Capture Video Edition
1ra Edición
Video capture and editing with OBS Studio and Shotcut


24 horas


Aporte Universidades


Persoal PAS, Persoal PDI










Datas, Horarios e Sesións

Data Inicio


Data Peche


Tipos Formación

Formación Online
Aula virtual (Webinars)

Datas e horarios

x definir

Número Webinars


Enlace ao curso

Enlace non requirido ou non creado o curso na plataforma de formación.

Necesidades, prerrequisitos e inf. xeral

Necesidades a cubrir

To train in the production of educational videos, providing participants with the basic skills necessary to record, edit and produce videos that will enrich their educational and/or administrative areas and facilitate the learning of their students and colleagues.


Basic office skills: basic use of office automation, file management (copy, move, delete, rename files) and basic interaction with any desktop operating system.


Online training through CIXUG's virtual classroom:

Medios necesarios

To get the most out of this course, it is recommended to have an integrated or external webcam, an external microphone or, failing that, the computer's own microphone, and a computer with sufficient processing and storage capacity.

Datos persoal Formador e Titor

Persoal formador

Óscar Fernández Carballo

Empresa contratada

Óscar Fernández Carballo




In the current educational context, the ability to create high quality multimedia content is an interesting option for transmitting and reinforcing concepts for students, both university and other educational stages. With the aim of training in the production of their own educational videos, this course on video capture and editing using open source software was designed. This course will provide participants with the basic skills necessary to record, edit and produce videos that will enrich their educational and/or administrative areas and facilitate the learning of their students and fellow students.

Video capture is the first step in creating multimedia content. In this course you will use a complete video capture tool that will be able to use different sources (different screens, webcams, microphone...), combine those sources and set up different interchangeable scenarios. The course will focus on the use of the open source tool OBS Studio, which is widely used among multimedia content creators.

Once the video has been captured, the next step is editing. This process includes organising clips, adding visual and sound effects, and exporting the final product in a suitable format. The course will focus on the use of the open source software tool Shotcut, offering a detailed guide on how to use this tool to create attractive and professional videos.

Competencias a desenvolver

At the end of the course the participant will:

  • Will be familiar with the main systems and models underpinning desktop digital video capture and recording systems.
  • Gain knowledge and skills in the use of digital tools for video recording and broadcasting.
  • Locate and source digital resources ethically and legally to supplement their multimedia compositions.
  • Create a design for desktop recording, combining elements such as screens, webcams, images, text...
  • They will learn about the different recording modes and styles and will configure the recording contours according to the chosen mode.
  • Proceed and control the recording, how to configure recording parameters both in a simple and advanced way.
  • Distinguish between linear and non-linear editing and learn about different video editor alternatives.
  • Create editing projects, add media assets to a project, split and trim videos, rearrange different parts of a video and export and save in a playable format.
  • Insert and set up transitions between media assets, manage multiple media tracks and integrate them into the project.
  • Add filters and effects for video, sound, text and credits to video editing projects.


The course, which is aimed at all users with office work and transmitters of information who are interested in capturing and editing video to share it through virtual classrooms and video and streaming platforms, is eminently practical. It will start with basic tasks of configuration of the tools used, adaptation of the working contours, simple captures/edits... and then gradually increase the complexity of the work to achieve more interesting and successful results.

As a complement and to give more support to the student, solving doubts as well as other aspects and dynamics, forums and private messaging will be used, in addition, there will be 4 voluntary videoconferences of approximately 1 hour duration, through the Zoom platform.


Capture SW interface and configuration

  • Open source and non-open source software
  • Basic concepts
  • Video capture and editing software
    • Video capture: OBS Studio
    • Access and download
    • Workspace
    • Basic settings
    • Scenes and fonts
    • Canvas design
  • Getting open resources

Video capture

  • Transitions
  • Recording modes
    • Simple mode
    • Studio mode
    • Multi-view
  • Hot keys
  • Recording

Video editing

  • Introduction to video editing
  • Video editing SW
    • Shotcut: introduction
    • Download and installation
    • Getting started
    • Interface
    • Basic editing

Advanced video editing

  • Transitions
  • Multitrack
    • Filters
    • Video filters
    • Sound filters
    • Time filters
    • Titles and credits
  • Key frames
  • Export
  • Keyboard shortcuts
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