Datas, Horarios e Sesións
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Data Peche
Tipos Formación
Datas e horarios
Número Webinars
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Empresa contratada
The statistical language R, with its graphical interface RCommander, is a software released under a open source license, a reference in statistical studies and a strong alternative to the different proprietary solutions for this type of studies. The course goes from the installation of RCommander, to data management, creation of graphs, or the realization of descriptive statistical studies.
Competencias a desenvolver
1. Producing descriptive statistics
2. Data management
3. Creating graphs
4. Probability distributions
5. Inference
6. Simple linear regression
Each of the topics consists of a theoretical part, where the procedures for working with the different RCommander options are detailed. At the end of each topic there is a self-validation test. In addition, there is a final test at the end of the course.
The platform measures the connection time of each participant, a criterion that will be taken into account in the final evaluation:
- Participation (minimum 10 hours of connection time) - 10%.
- Self-assessment tests per topic - 70%.
- Final test - 20%.
Getting started with R
Installing packages
- Installing RCommander packages
Using RCommander
- RCommander menus
Data handling
- Recoding variables
- Descriptive study of surgical infections
- Recoding and filtering variables
Creating graphs
Descriptive statistics
Probability distributions
- Confidence intervals
Simple linear regression
- Numerical diagnostics