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Número Webinars
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Maxima is a computer algebra system, written in Lisp language and released under the open source GNU GPL, used for the manipulation of symbolic and numerical expressions, including differentiation, integration, Taylor series expansion, Laplace transforms, ordinary differential equations, systems of linear equations, vectors, matrices and tensors. Maxima produces high-precision results using exact fractions, arbitrary-precision integers and floating-point numbers with variable precision. In addition, it can graph functions and data in two and three dimensions.
Competencias a desenvolver
- Being familiar with the use of the open source software Maxima.
- Being familiar with the handling of the graphical user interface wxMaxima.
- Learning to handle numbers and to perform operations with them, as well as the creation and handling of data structures.
- Knowing and performing algebraic transformations, solving equations, matrices, derivatives, integrals
- Realisation of 2D and 3D graphics
- Acquire knowledge of statistical probability with Maxima.
- Acquire basic knowledge of programming with Maxima.
Each of the topics consists of a theoretical part, with documentation and explanatory videos, and a practical part, with the resolution of evaluable exercises. In addition, the platform measures the connection time of each participant, a criterion to be taken into account for the final evaluation.
The platform also has a messaging system and forums where you can contact the trainer to ask any questions you may have.
1. Introduction to Maxima
- What is Maxima?
- Installation
- How to use wxMaxima
- Help and documentation
2. Numbers, operations and data structures
3. Algebra
- Matrices
- Polynomials and Equations
4. Calculus
- Functions
- Derivatives
- Integrals
5. Graphs
6. Probability and Statistics