Datas, Horarios e Sesións
Data Inicio
Data Peche
Tipos Formación
Datas e horarios
Número Webinars
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Necesidades, prerrequisitos e inf. xeral
Necesidades a cubrir
Medios necesarios
Datos persoal Formador e Titor
Persoal formador
Empresa contratada
The visual creation of graphic compositions constitutes the order of the day. Especially in this era, where visual communication is essential to provide information in all areas, from education or information to advertising or commercial presentation.
Infographics are another form of visual information representation in which visual diagrams are combined with text to summarise or figuratively explain ideas and concepts. Various types of graphics and non-linguistic and linguistic signs (pictograms, ideograms and logograms) are used to convey information, forming descriptions, expository or narrative sequences and interpretative sequences. With a didactic intention, infographics were born as a means of transmitting graphic information in a more dynamic, lively and imaginative way. Infographics are mainly used in magazines, documents, newspapers, brochures, internet pages, education, books, etc. The purpose of infographics is to attract the attention of the viewer through colours, images or designs. As its visual impact is very high, it causes virality in the publication and exponentially increases its reach.
For the elaboration of these tasks, you will mainly work with the design application Inkscape. This tool is a powerful, convenient and open source vector graphics editor, especially compatible with the standards used on the Internet.
The goal of this course is to provide participants with the necessary notions and skills to be able to create elaborate infographics with the extensive possibilities offered by the vector world of Inkscape, and of course, with the creator's own imagination. In addition to learning how to use this editing programme, certain specific aspects of graphic design will also be covered. Obviously, not only will you learn how to make infographics, but also many other more basic graphic compositions, such as shadows, gradients, logos, signs, etc., which will then complete and form part of the final infographics themselves.
Other interesting aspects will also be addressed, such as searching for and obtaining images (sources of legal use of images for our compositions), differentiating between bitmap and vector images, when to use one or the other, how to integrate them in the same composition, and even how to transform images of one type into another.
Competencias a desenvolver
- To know the main systems and models that form the basis of digital systems for the creation of digital graphics.
- To know, obtain and train in the use of digital tools for the creation of vector images.
- Know in detail the working contours of vector editing, as well as its tools and options.
- To locate and obtain images ethically and legally to complement our graphic compositions.
- Distinguish between different types of images and know their most appropriate use.
- Create or modify any type of visual composition, to combine it in any project.
- To be aware of the basic concepts of colour, composition and scene, for the creation of infographics and complex compositions.
- Improve the quality of any digital work (presentations, memories, web pages...)
The course is eminently practical. It will start with basic tasks, and then gradually increase the complexity of the work to achieve more interesting, successful, coherent and integrated results.
Each of the topics consists of a theoretical part, where the procedures for working with the different options of Inkscape are detailed. At the end of each topic there is a self-assessment test.
The platform measures the connection time of each participant, a criterion that will be taken into account:
- Participation (minimum 10 hours of connection time).
- Continuous evaluation, by means of exercises, consultations in the forums, etc....
- Possibility of a final test.
There will be 4 voluntary videoconferences of approximately 1 hour's duration, through the Zoom platform, in which doubts will be raised and solved as well as other aspects and dynamics.
1. Introduction
- Open source and non-open source graphic software.
- Graphic interface and Inkscape.
- Types of images and uses.
- Graphical interface.
- Graphic interface and Inkscape.
- Obtaining legal graphic resources.
2. Basic Vectorial Design
- Basic handling of objects.
- Shapes, properties and transformations.
- Z order and layers.
- Text and calligraphy.
- Fills, gradients and strokes.
- Copy, duplicate and clone.
3. Nodes and strokes
- Transformations to strokes.
- Boolean operations.
- Handling of nodes.
- Vectorisation.
4. Infographics
- Meaning and search for information.
- Composition and aesthetic proportion.
- Tips and tricks for an illustrator.
- Examples and complete works.
5. Effects and additional filters
- Filters.
- Extensions.
- Pixart.
- Interpolation.
- More artistic effects.